Chantelle Cavazzon

Occupational Therapist - Vancouver

Chantelle was born and raised in Trail, British Columbia. Her love of athletics brought her to the University of Western Ontario, where she earned her Honors Bachelor of Health Sciences and the title of Academic All Canadian while playing varsity field hockey. After accepting an early admission offer to the University of British Columbia’s Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) program, Chantelle also took an active role on the steering committee for the College of Health Disciplines’ emerging initiative - the University of British Columbia’s Interprofessional Health Mentors Program.

While completing her graduate program, Chantelle experienced her third concussion, which forced a pause in her studies for three months. In spite of this, she successfully navigated the delicate interplay of injury and expectation and graduated as planned with her class in 2013. Since then, Chantelle has worked in hospitals, rehabilitation floors, and private clinics supporting teenagers, adults, and older adults to regain their independence.

Her areas of interest include ADHD, ASD, arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue, concussion, depression and anxiety. She has experience working with families, employers, extended health plans, ICBC and WorkSafe. Chantelle is a self-professed nerd who loves her work, enthusiastically devours books and research articles, and considers playing piano a form of meditation; she is a mom who lugs her two kids around on the back of her cargo bike.

Chantelle combines her genuine smile, years of clinical experience, and special training in Concussion Rehabilitation, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Best Practice for Chronic Pain, and Progressive Goal Attainment (PGAP) to motivate and support her clients towards lasting change.

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